Monday, December 26, 2011


Opening up to generosity is a powerful practice. The acts of giving and of receiving, if done in a heart focused and conscious way, can be a conduit for increased happiness and contentment within our lives.

There has been a wealth of research done in the last 25 years which has shown just how powerful the act of giving can be, including simply just thinking about helping another! The research done by the HeartMath Institute has shown that just by thinking of extending a heart quality such as care, gratitude, appreciation, etc. towards another for even just 5 minutes has a significant boost to our immune system. While many yogis and meditators will already attest that they knew that practices such a metta (loving kindness) and tonglen (breathing in the suffering of others and transforming it into compassion and care) had powerful effects on their energy, health, and well-being--science is starting catch up, or at least show up to prove that these practices not only help us feel better mentally, but that they also make us healthier!

To begin to cultivate generosity in your practice this week start with harnessing appreciation and gratitude for all that has brought you to this moment. As you take your seat in opening meditation, take your hands to your heart and breathe deeply to and from the heart. Notice the beat of your heart, the feeling, the sound, all that you can-dive into the richness of the heart. When you feel immersed in the rhythm of your heart, bring to mind all the blessings that have brought you to this place. To have the time to practice and the means to support it is a blessing, to have the internet from which to read this is a blessing, to have good health, or at least decent health is a blessing- keep the list rolling and invite the goodwill from your appreciation to swell in the temple of your heart. Let your heart receive the generosity blooming forth from this practice.

As you begin to cultivate this feeling state, you tap into the natural abundance of all that you are and all that you have. From here it is much easier to give out freely and without attachment to outcomes. Throughout the physical practice connect to the breath cycle so that you are aware with each inhale what you are willing to receive, and with each exhale what you are willing to give. You breathe in to experience abundance, and exhale to share generously the gifts and blessings you have to give.

Then at the end of the practice, after receiving so much from the power of appreciation and gratitude, direct your attention to others. In meditation bring your hands back to you heart. Guide the breath there, in and out from the heart. Bring to mind someone or something that could use some heart energy directed their way and cradle them close in the energetic field of your heart. Repeat the mantra "may you be happy and free from suffering" or one of your choosing that conveys compassion and care. Stay in this energy for up to five minutes.

Close your practice with the chant: Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu May all beings everywhere be happy and free from suffering.

Peace to you!

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