Friday, December 19, 2008

Ann Arbor--Here I come!

January 9-11th 2009

It's been a long time since I've been back. I hope to see many old friends and also hope to meet some new yogi's


Candle Light Vinyasa Class $15



Expanding Your Vision-Arm Balancing With Courage $30

Sometimes in practice we don't do just because we think we can't. In
this workshop we will expand our vision of what our practice is for
and open up to something even larger than what we thought possible.
You can do arm balances and in this workshop you learn how and create
steps to begin your journey into the full poses over time. Bring your
enthusiasm and willingness to expand your vision and potential for
greatness in your practice.


The Freedom of Flight- Arm balance Extravaganza! $30

Take your arm balances to the next level. Feel the joy of discovery as
you build more capacity within your backbody and core to sustain
longer holds, playful sequences, and dynamic arm balancing within your
practice. This is for those who have the basics down and can perform
crow, and can sustain a strong plank and down dog. You will need a
strong foundation to play in this workshop 


One Giant Leap--The Path towards Hanumanasana (Splits) $30

When facing the challenge of moving into the splits and other
difficult poses--do your cringe? Do you think "yeah right"! Begin to
cultivate a more friendly and encouraging vibe towards this amazing
opportunity to leap into your own power and expansion. This pose and
the path towards your giant leap is a beautiful evolutionary journey.
The class/workshop will systematically and playfully guide you towards
tools and movements to open up the hips, groins, hamstrings, and
thighs to create space to help you make one giant leap within your
practice. Come find out how to embody the playfulness, power, and
magic of the heroic Hanuman.

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