Saturday, June 27, 2009

Magic Mystery and Awe

“Observe the wonders as they occur around you. Don't claim them. Feel the artistry moving through and be silent”

The magic of practice is finding the sacred in every day moments. You begin to shift energy from the external world of needing to be entertained or “do” something and allow the opening to awe in what’s already happening right in front of you, all around you, and inside of you.

The way to experience the magic of the now in all its simplicity and complexity is to realize that this very moment, this very point in your life, is the moment you have been waiting for (Notice how often we get taken away from what we are doing only to be seeking the next thing). Now is the time to show up for your life.

Having this reverence for life begins very simply by taking an interest in all the details of your life. Not in a neurotic way but in an appreciative way. Soaking in the details of what is going on grounds you in what is actually going on. It creates a process from which you shift from thinking to awareness. This awareness is the opening to a fertile and potent magic. When all of our energy is directed and focused in what we are actually doing it paves the way for more power to be drawn forth into the actions we do—this is a state of supreme aliveness.

By having a reverence for life, we enter into a spiritual relation with the world. By practicing reverence for life we become good, deep, and alive. Albert Schweitzer

If all of us began the practice of finding the sacred in every moment think of the implications. Every word we uttered would be of reverence. Every action we put forth into the world would be one to uplift peace and harmonize relations. Life would stop becoming a busy dance just for the sake of busy dancing—but would rather become a dance with a beat to connect to the beat of the universe.

The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature.-Joseph Campbell

Aligned with nature and in rhythm with the universe we tap into the power of the creative energy of the world. Magic then is the ability to harness that power in real and tangible ways. Magic is not something found only in Harry Potter books or fairy tales but it is the power to open doors and windows into the shed that contains the tools of a transformative life.

“When we begin to live the greater life--not "seek" it, so much as simply choose to participate in it--then and only then do we find that it's all around us, all the time."--Marianne Williamson

As we become full participants in life, life grants us access to its tool chest of magic. In fact life has granted us all a special power that can only be used if we are in the moment and in our lives as active co-creators-not spectators. ABRACADABRA means create as you speak--so literally as we think, as we speak, we begin to create. However, what we conjure with our spells only works if we are in the mystery (now) and the magic uplifts the vision and mission of creating harmony with life. Meaning we don’t get what we want, but through clear intention align with what we need. The magic is creating the connection that aligns heart and head to create a powerful life. We have to be mindful crafters of our words and use spells to uplift our heart, and to put forth our vision into the world with integrity. It is not about the attainment of things but about the fulfillment of life. So the spell is not “God grant me and give me more stuff”, but rather “God grant me the ability to seek and find life--to live and love from a wild and passionate heart”. “Give me grace to create beauty in the world and to send magic and miracles to the world to heal and uplift”. “Give me the strength to move mountains and alchemical prowess to transform hate into love”. You can probably think of many spells on your own—but you get the point. The magic of the universe only works when it’s aligned with the highest purpose of divine love.

“When the heart of your heart opens, you can take deep pleasure in the company of the people around you . . . When you are open to the beauty, mystery, and grandeur of ordinary existence, you "get it" that it always has been beautiful, mysterious, and grand and always will be.” - Timothy Ray Miller

Take time right now to align with the mystery. Take notice of the beauty around you and inside of you. Feel connected to the spirit of awe and to the community of souls that have joined with you to create this critical moment in history. Feel the breath you are breathing now and know it comes from the same source that all others on this planet are breathing now too. As you breathe out know that all others breathe out into space creating fertile compost from which creation sparks forth new visions of possibility.

What you are a part of is far greater than you ever could imagine and so simple is your task. You only need to align with the divine (now) and channel grace (magic) into the world. The rest quite simply is in higher hands.

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. Albert Einstein