Thursday, June 18, 2009

Heart Wide Open

Inspired by my yogi's tonight I am offering up a progression towards Urdhva Dhanurasana (wheel pose). Have fun with this and please take your time to really feel that the body is granting you permission to do this. Ease your way into the pose breath by breath and feel invited into the pose rather than forcing your way into it.

"A kind of deep flame of inner ecstasy burnt more and more strongly in his heart."--Dostoyevsky

Begin standing in Tadasana (Mountain pose) First begin by deepening your breath as you place your hands stacked on top of each other on your heart center. Spend a few moments circling your hands clock wise over your heart and set the intention to let the deep flame within your heart burn to inner ecstasy. Backbends are a celebration of life so allow the celebration to be expressed in every breath. Take a moment right now to give thanks for all that you can celebrate within your life.

Now invite life fully into your body. Lift and spread your toes and draw energy up your thighs--as you hug up--also root down through the heels from the power of the tailbone and hips. Feel the top of the head lifting up to the sky bringing length and space into every vertebrae in the spine.

Inhale lift your arms up to the sky--plug your shoulders into the back and as you plug reach up more through your fingers to the sky. Maintain the deep rootedness in the heels while lifting up your thighs (hugging muscle to bone).

Exhale fold forward and interlace the hands behind your back. Microbend the elbows and draw your armbones (top of the shoulders) to the neckline then hug shoulder blades on the back more and pull arms straight. Fold more deeply. Keep the heels grounded as you shift more energy towards the toes. Microbend the knees lean forward stretching the arms more to earth, plug the heel deeper and press your thighs back. Take a deep breath into the spine and soften the heart to the earth,. Pulse with the breath this way a few times--sinking deeper into the fold while rooting fully into the earth and pressing thighs back.

Inhale free the hands and step the right foot back for a long lunge. Come up onto the finger tips. Keep rt fingertips on the ground and twist lt up to the sky. Press your thighs back (think back thigh to sky) then press even through front shin and back heel. Keep working lt hip back and pull navel and heart open to sky. Curl head back and bring shoulders back too. Legs are stable and strong so that the upper body can be free.

Step back to down dog. Come to down dog in a way that gives apace to the shoulders. Bend the knees a little and then press your thighs back. Shift awareness to the hands and spread the finger out so much that the webbing of the fingers stretches. Root the hands so that you know they are grounded. Squeeze your arms together and lift the armbones up to the sky creating space in the armpits. Keep that space and press the heart to your thighs. Notice if the shoulders collapse--try to keep them lifted--armpits buoyant.

Shift forward to plank. Keep sides of the body long. Thighs firm and heels press back. Soften the heart to earth (blades move together) and lower all the way to earth. Come onto finger tips, armbones back, head back, cobra pose. Feel that you are pulling forward and up at the same time. Keep the legs grounded (toes spreading and thighs firm--tailbone lengthening to the heels).---check in with Cobra ask if the body is liberated or oppressed, celebrating or over partying. Soften more--breath into the heart expand bright from the breath inside--expand from inside out.

Press to table top. In table lengthen your sides and soften the heart--press the soft heart to your thighs as you lift up to down dog.

Step the right foot through for lunge. Come onto the finger tips, keep lt hand grounded and twist right arm up. Then lower it and step forward fold.

Repeat that opening sequence a few times to warm up--you can also add in side plank to spice it up (vasisthasana).

Main Sequence:

Warrior 1 with Garudasana arms

From Down dog step the rt foot forward between the hands and root the back foot down 45 degrees. Lift and spread toes and hug legs to the midline. Press strongly through the legs. Take both hands on to the rt thigh. Bow in and feel the back body expand. Take the expansion and lengthen the spine up to the sky--arms lift up. hug arms together and bring shoulder blades on the back. Cross rt arm under lt elbow and bind hands as best you can coming to eagle arms. Lift elbows up and hands away from the face--feel a stretch between the shoulder blades.Curl head back (by pressing through the back of the skull while lifting up the tops of your ears up and back. Keep length and space in the neck).

Release arm bind and lower hands to earth.

Lower left knee to ground and shift it back some. Step right foot our 45 degrees. Keep toes active. Left hand roots down and the rt hand reaches back for the left foot/ankle for twisted thigh stretch. Tail bone is grounding to the earth, navel and heart twist open. Think cobra with your spine. Press through the back shin. Stay alert and active everywhere--celebrate the pose give it life through the breath.

Release and step back to plank. Pivot to outer edge of rt foot and keep right hand grounded. Step left foot behind right knee about 5-8 inches. Come on the toes of the left foot. Press your waistline back and tail bone to the right heel. Shift hips and heart to the sky and curl into a back bend with the upper body--Wild thing vasisthasana.

Release and bring left knee to chest--puff the spine up to the sky and step back to plank. Lower slow all the way to the earth.

Come to sphinx elbows under shoulders. Legs grounded. Focus on the pelvic floor and hug legs to the midline. Hug energy from toes to pelvic floor and extend back out from pelvic floor to the toes.Pull heart forward as you feel the legs press back.

From here grab rt ankle with rt hand -Ardha Dhanurasana press through the shin and you try to touch heel to sky. Lengthen upper body forward as you stretch the heart to sky. Switch sides. If you want take your opposite hand out in front on finger tips place it way off to the side and lift up you front body to deepen the stretch.

Repeat standing pose sequence second side.

When finished with standing sequence second side come down and do full Dhanurasana (bow pose) --Before you come up make sure you press your thighs back--it helps to lift the butt up and feel the sit bones spread then press the tail bone into that space then thighs firm and shins back--then you'll get a big heart lift.


Go to a wall and practice the handstand L (come to table top feet against wall. Make sides of the body long and back body full (cat pose) rise up to dog pose and then walk feet up the wall) Keep shoulders buoyant. and press powerfully from heart into earth and follow the echo of that movement up to the tail bone and then press the tail bone into the heels and root deep into the wall with your heels.

Take it deeper:

Face the wall and from down dog step one foot forward half way and come onto the toes. Lift back leg up and squeeze thighs towards the center. Lengthen your sides and firm the belly. Look toward your fingers. Just lean and lift as far as you can into the handstand. Harness the wildness and discipline it into powerful yet soft lifts into the handstand. Even if it's a inch off the ground--your learning to lift lightly.

Intermediate/Advanced option:

Measure fingertip to elbow away from wall. Place hands where elbows were. Lift up to hand stand and bring both legs to the wall. Press your butt to wall so that your thighs are pressed back all the way--lengthen your tailbone up to the heels. Pump your heart out to the front of the room opening up the shoulders--think wheel pose here while legs are against the wall. This may trigger a fear factor :0 Keep arms steady by hugging in and root the hands down--while pressing up through the heels.

Forearm balance.

Beginners--just come to dolphin--elbows under shoulders--arm bones forward to neckline then soften heart. Keep kidneys buoyant. Lift legs up like down dog and press heart towards thighs--while keeping sides of the body long (waistline to armpits stays spacious while your melt the heart and press it back).

Intermediate. Take block between hands (thumb on front rooted into earth and fingers spreading around sides of block flat against the earth). Prep same as dolphin but have feet against wall like the handstand prep. Press up feet against wall--press heart to wall(you'll be like the handstand L except in forearm prep).

Come down to earth and onto your back. Come to Robot pose (feet grounded, knees up, arm bones grounded, forearms and finger tips lifting to the sky, palms face each other--think robot on its back.

Press through arms and skull and feet and lift just your chest--a curve will enter the spine. Keep the hips down and just try to work the shoulder back while lifting the heart. Feel the shoulders and the skull looping back into the earth to open your heart.

Repeat this a few times.


Face a wall and place a rolled up blanket right against the wall/floor corner.Go wide with the hands and place them against the rolled up blanket--palms pressed into the thickest part and fingers facing your head spreading out wide. Turn your fingers out at an angle just slightly. Spread your toes and make your legs strong. Inner thighs press down to the earth--and tailbone lengthens into that space as you lift your hips up. Plug you shoulders in again here as you press up onto your head. Use this moment to go a little wider with your hands and hug your shoulders in more--shoulder blades are supporting you. Then start to press your skull back and your heart to the wall.

Wheel Two--set up the same but place two blocks at the wall and place your hands on the blocks and try to lift up this way into the pose.

Now try it without any props :)

The key is to keep the shoulders plugged in and the legs strong. Notice if the feet are turning out--if this is the case for you squeeze a block between the thighs.

Also many people skip the step of coming onto the head--don't skip this part. Press onto the top of the head, then go wider with the hands and spin them out to an angle. Draw the shoulder blades on the back then press up like a push up--press strong through the legs and arms. Make sure the hands are solidly connecting to earth from the power of your heart.

If the low back is hurting in this pose make sure that you begin with thighs back(sit bones spreading, curve in low back, and thighs pressed down to earth--and that the tailbone lengthens into this just a little bit. What happens for most is that we have too much outer spiral in this rather then a strong inner spiral.

Have fun!!! Let me know if you have any questions on this.

1 comment:

mia park said...

michael, you rock! thanks for being you.