Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Enter the Fire

As I finish up my Midwest workshops a new realization was sparked in one of the fire workshops I was teaching. I often speak of fire as the element that helps to burn through whatever separates you from you. Whatever it is that prevents you from realizing what your deepest gifts are to the world and from giving those gifts freely to the world. Fire when you consciously invoke it and navigate it can help to open you to the truth of who you are and give you strength to birth it into the world.

Entering the fire is also about the commitment to evolve. I wholeheartedly believe that we experience limitation and challenge to remember to expand. As we bump up against fear, limitation, lack, challenge--therein lies freewill. The universe gives us a choice to either give up--or burn. If we choose the fire we remember and connect to that aspect of ourselves that is Flame already and remember that the fire cannot hurt us--but can only transform us. With our whole heart we then enter the fire for the fire is the present moment--capable of evolving us. Free from past and not bound by the future--we become creatures of the present moment with all the fertile potency of fire.

"There is no greater weapon than the human soul on fire"--

I have been so pleased to see so many of you willing to be consumed by the flames. It is an act of profound bravery to allow oneself to step into the fire fully. From outside--the intensity of the fire can sound and look very harsh, painful, and scary. So many stay outside of the fire for the fear of change is to great to bear and even if where they are in life isn't truly where they need to be--they stay outside of the the flame. The truth is though if you enter the fire you get cooked in the best possible way. However, staying outside the fire you still feel the heat--and resisting fire is like resiting arrest-- it ain't going to do you any good and will keep you in your own personal hell/jail for a very long time.

Great change takes great courage. The Latin root of the word courage is "cour", which means heart, and it is with heart that we move into the fire. The head would never allow such change to take place. Only through the heart can we live a life of transformation. The head is rarely open to life in the now--it's constantly seeking to be entertained and to drudge up the past(and play in it's mud) or create fantastic futures. While we need the mind to navigate the world--the heart is the key to a dynamic, full, and powerful life. The heart is open to new information and the heart is the most powerful energetic and biological part of who we are. It is from there then that we must approach the limitations and from there open to life fully.

When we allow ourselves to be set on fire--we do become the most powerful weapon on earth. This weapon is not set on the destruction of our fellow man, nor the earth and her inhabitants. This weapon is set on destroying illusions of separateness. Just as fire within the individual helps to burn through what separates us from us, when the whole world lights up from all of our fires, the collective fire will burn through what separates us from all others. Then we will truly have a fire from which a new world can be formed

Burn on and spread like wildfire!


Unknown said...

You are a very talented writer my friend. I agree that the fire is what transmutes us, and I also think that sometimes it's o.k. to beware of getting burned.

Michael Faith said...

Hey there. I would offer up this mantra though. "burning is learning, cremation is education" :)