Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Be like a duck

"Try to be like a duck, with its joyful body paddling along in the loving water of the river. Just enjoy that"---Rumi

Our friends in nature are powerful reminders of how to live in the now. Anyone who has an animal companion such as a dog or cat knows how they live moment to moment so fresh and so unique. A dog gets excited to eat every day as if they have never had this food before (even though mine have had the same food for quite some time) Every time the leash gets picked up they get excited, every time I come home they get excited. Nothing gets boring, their world is fresh and alive and in the present. Every time I start to get bored with things in my life I try to connect to this energy and remember that things are only boring if I myself am boring. It's like the rumi poem above--we just have to enjoy the simplicity of our essence--doing exactly what we are doing with a spirit of buoyant contentment.


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