Monday, September 22, 2008

Passion For Peace

I had the opportunity this past weekend to take part in the Global Mala in LA. My body is still feeling the ritual movement that thousands took part in all over the world of 108 sun salutes. It was easy to accomplish with the expert guidance of such gifted teachers as Shiva Rea, and Saul David-Raye as well as live kirtan by one of my favs Donna Delory.

My favorite moment though was the Friday night ceremony/speech given by Andrew Harvey
who gave a wake up call to all in attendance. Andrew is passionate about peace and life. His speech was infused with the passion of Rumi and his message was lit by the fire of the divine itself. I have felt a stirring my soul for quite some time now that the world as we know it is coming to an end. I haven't had the words to describe how and why I felt this way but in my heart I sensed that how we live and the conditions on the planet are just not sustainable anymore for life to survive much longer. Andrew had a much more articulate way of saying this and in fact gave support and advice on what we can actually do.

Andrew kind of said what I thought--that there is no way to escape this "death" to the way things are. Like all deaths this one is going to be painful and we all might not survive this dark night of soul so to speak. What he said though as guidance is to embrace our sacred practice and to dwell deep within our source of love and to remain true to that love. That no matter what happens to keep helping others and awakening our compassion for the coming times. The best advice I thought was to search deep in your heart to find what are you most passionate about and to use whatever energy you have to spare to act locally to help that cause/group out. You don't have to solve everything--just give what you can to one thing fully. If we all do that--maybe this dark night won't be as painful.

Transformation is not easy ever. As I have mentioned before about the fire element--which this coming time is symbolic of--fire destroys before it creates. We have to just allow ourselves to be open to the flames. Remembering that sometimes there are more important things than whether or not "we" survive. What matters most I think is how we live and how deeply we love. To not wait to love as deeply as we can right now, however we can. If you feel you are holding back any love right now---please use your practice to awaken your heart and set it on fire.

Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

This quote was spoken at the global mala and it's one I have loved and explored many times. We are at that point where our creativity and ingenuity can spark a revolution of the human heart. I am not sure how this "death" will take place but as it begins and as it progresses I want to be part of the fire. I want all who have crossed my path to help me light this fire. In your practice touch your heart and commit to giving your energy out to those who need it. In all areas of your life start living fully and giving your passion out deeply in what you do. To your friends, neighbors, family--give them love like you never have before. Think of ways to extend yourself to a cause you can support--ask yourself what am I withholding and why--what is my deepest gift to give the world right now. Most importantly look at the world. Stop ignoring what's happening. Don't pretend that everything is ok. Take a good look at the world, your habits, and how you cooperate with the structures that are ruining the world. How can you support businesses and structures that are trying to create change?

Set your life on fire and surround yourself by those to fan your flames!--rumi

Love and peace to you all!

1 comment:

Jillana said...

Hi Michael,

I participated in the global mala for peace (for the second year) last sunday with my twins here in chicago. It was wonderful. In milennium park, 54 sun salutations, and so much spirit and energy. One of my daughters felt so inspired she just had to take of her clothes. A little later, she walked behind Lourdes Parres, who was leading us, and peed against a tree. The innocence and happiness brought ripples of joy and laughter to the crowd, and reminded us all, in the middle of the sun salutations, that we were there to bring positive energy, not just do a yoga practice. It wasn't anything like the LA extravaganca, but it was very special!
Looking forward to seeing you this week in Chicago!