Thursday, September 11, 2008

Intention/Prayer For The World Today

May all of our hearts be inspired to greatness in which acts of kindness and compassion replace fear and destruction.

May any act of contempt or hatred be lifted from the desire of any mind and be replaced instead with the impulse to create beauty and community with others.

May any one who has fallen far from the human family and the connection to earth be brought back into the fold with welcome arms without judgement or condemnation.

May we all strive to see the good and work hard to lift up those who are struggling, angry, and oppressed.

May every thought and action from all who are willing to create a better world be a light to cast out any shadows aimed at stopping the rise of love and peace to power.

May we all remember that this is no time to be humble but rather to be as bold and as bright and as brilliant as we can be. The world needs our light, and may we all commit to shine even if we don't know how yet.

May we all be led to authentic paths that help us create a better today.

May we all remember no matter what happens everything is linked, everything is one, and that everything deeply matters, now and forever.

And may we all step into a more courageous heart filled expression of our life and may that help everyone we meet take the necessary leap towards peace in all aspects of their life.

Peace Peace Peace



Unknown said...

Lovely prayer.

Jillana said...

Yes, this is a beautiful and inspirational intention. I'll try to carry it with me.