Thursday, April 24, 2008

Open to Grace

One of my favorite quotes is "order creates space for grace to blossom." This week I got to see some blossoming in many of my student's practices, which was so much fun for me. I had several folks get into headstand for the first time on their own, and one student found a fcreative and engaging way to come up successfully in twisted crow (parsva bakasana).

I like to celebrate those moments. Just as we celebrate and welcome the changing of winter to spring, spring to summer, we should welcome the new life our practice springs forth. Just as in wintertime life is there teeming below the surface, the same is true in our practice as well. There is always something there waiting for us to uncover and reveal it. When it gets revealed it's exciting and fun!

The concealing and revealing is the dance of this practice. Sometimes we're learning the steps, and sometimes we are the dance. Both are good and important. We need the order (learning the steps) to create a fertile ground for big revealments our practice. I like to think of this as just opening up to deeper expansion of who we are. We just keep getting bigger--in a good way as the practice makes us more open and radically expanded. More expansion, more light. It's so good.

I like the idea too, and I know it's true just from seeing it in my own life that as we change, the world around us changes. The greater container of life and light we are it becomes infectious-- spreading beautifully to anyone who is open to feel it. That's grace.

Great job on the expansive leaping everyone!

Peace to you and happy weekend!

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