Thursday, April 24, 2008

Handstand FAN

I found this on another forum and thought is was good. It speaks to something I think about a lot as a teacher. So next time we're in handstand :)

(note--these are not my thoughts, but from here:

Would someone please tell me what the freakin' Anusara facination (sp) with handstands is all about?

It's funny, but I have been pondering this question as well. I love handstands and it is one of the reasons I love anusara is because they do seem to focus a lot on it. So I began to wonder why?

Here are my thoughts (I don't know if they have any basis is reality):

First, as a teacher handstands are actually safer and easier to teach than headstands and easier to align than shoulderstands. The more I teach, the more I worry about my students and the more I find that headstands are scary because people just don't listen. No matter how many times you tell them not to kick up, they insist on kicking up. You tell them not to turn their heads and they immediately try to turn their heads. But with handstands they concentrate more and they don't risk hurting their necks as much. They hurt their toes and wrists more, but it's better than headstands.

Second, it favors the less flexible person that can't put their head on the floor and walk their feet in really close or can't keep their arms bent around their head. There is much less time with "preparation" poses and modifications. Almost everyone can do it against the wall and a few people can start to come away from the wall. It builds strength in the arms and shoulders that translates better to forearm and headstands...the opposite is not true: headstands and forearm stands do not prepare you as well for handstands.

Finally, a big point is that handstands are very good at illustrating the balance of Muscular and Organic energy that is the cornerstone of Anusara yoga. Muscular energy is that inward energy that contracts the muscles and pulls muscle onto bone and limbs into the sockets and draws your energy to your midline. All of which are essential to handstand. Equally as essential is the application of Organic energy. That which moves from the core out and shines and expands. It opens the heart and grows out in every direction. As you push into the floor and shine up through the balls of the toes you apply organic energy. When you are in handstand you really start experience that sensation of balance.

Anyway, that's what I've been thinking about...

What are your thoughts?

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