Monday, April 21, 2008

3 P's

Anusara Yoga often refers to the three A's which include Attitude, Alignment, and Action
which I find so helpful with my teaching and practice. I have also found lately as I work with both continuing and beginning students the need to talk about the 3 p's which are Patience, Persistence, and Practice.

Patience- To remember to start each day and practice feeling into the "whatness" of the present moment experience and really committing to working with that. To deeply connect with the rhythm of breath and heartbeat as a grounding place and to gradually build up from that foundation--one breath at a time. Remembering that practice is not a race, nor life, but rather a beautiful unfolding into more and more spaciousness. There is no hurry to "get" poses or to "get" peaceful, those are gifts that slowly and thoroughly open over time. Patience is exploring what it means to pierce deeply into the life experience. How cool is that?

Persistence- You fall, you get up. You fall again, you get up again. With grace and a sense of Humor you persist, not because you have too, but because you have patience and know the rewards of practice outweigh those of giving up. Persistence gives you a chance to say YES to the moment. Maybe in the last moment things didn't work, but now you open up to the freshness of this breath and this action and take action with confidence and enthusiasm. Watch to see if anger or frustration arise as you keep trying, and see if you can soften and open to what's real. Say to yourself, the truth is I am just doing crow pose, or whatever it may be. Remind yourself about what it is your doing, smile, breath, open, aaaahhhh. Nice.

Practice- There are so many good books on Yoga. We can talk and theorize on it too. However magic happen when we do. Practice whenever you can--you can do Yoga all day long if you want. The asana's and breathwork connect us to the universal most clearly if we're not used to being there, but once you feel what that is--do it when you can.

How to do yoga all day long:

1. Breath consciously when you're driving to stay calm (Ujjayi pranayam).

2. Yoga before you shower (or after I guess)- just some sun salutes to start the day

3. Silently bless everyone you meet

4. Practice some form of asana daily if you can. Try for 15 min at least even if you don't have a home practice you can get good ideas from what you do in classes.

5. Begin and end each day with some form of meditation centering breath work, or restorative yin yoga

6. Try to be doing what you are doing as you are doing it all through the day. Be in the moment as the moment.

I am sure you get the idea and can think of other ways throughout the day to do Yoga

Maybe post them here! Also can you add some more to the Three p's? Give an example of your P in action?

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