Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Yoga of Food

The issue of food has been coming up a lot lately so I thought I would give some resources and suggestions. Nothing we do has a greater impact on our health and the environment as the food choices we make. From what we eat, to where we buy it from, and whether it's filled with harsh chemicals, genetically modified, fair trade, or organic --all makes a difference on our health and that of our local economy and the environment.

This is tricky because food is such a sensitive topic that covers a broad range of issues along the lines of economics, personal preference, environment, health, and animal welfare, etc. When we educate ourselves and really see things as they are on this issue we will all begin to make great decisions for us and our families that work for where we are along all those issues.

Rather than preach about it (which is what I feel I have been doing lately) I'd like to ask that all of you who read this blog start looking in to this issue more closely. It seems that if we are doing this deeper work of yoga to make ourselves healthier then it would be fair to take a look at our food choices and the impact our choices have on the world around us.

Check out this site: http://www.animalvegetablemiracle.com/

see if you can order the book and read it. Not only is it a good read but very eye opening.

Rent this Documentary The Future of Food

(you can also see on you tube)

Read -Healthy at a Hundred


Food revolution


The China Study

I would love to hear if any of you take this up and what you think.

Peace and Love

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