Thursday, May 1, 2008

When boredom sets in

You know you have those days where what is between your toes is more fascinating then the pose you are in. The lint on the mat, or the whistle of your neighbors nose seems way more important and interesting than your breath or the alignment of your hips.

I know I've been there too. I am often reminded in very humorous ways that sometimes we check out at varying degrees in our practice. Sometimes we check out just for a moment, or maybe for many days, weeks, or months at a time in our practice.

I am often reminded of the quote from Marianne Williamson from her book Everyday Grace that the only way to be excited is to be exciting and excited yourself. No external circumstances need to be our entertainment. In practice the same is true.

This week I have been having everyone start in child's pose. Connecting to this pose invites us to explore the archetype of the child. Connecting to the freshness and the willingness to be in the moment. Inspiring awe and magic because anything is possible and everything is open--including us! Life hasn't closed us yet, or at least not fully. Child's pose draws us into the remembrance of what it means to have a sense of innocence. (note-I realize that not everyone has had or does have a happy innocent childhood, but I am talking about archetypes/myths).

From innocence I feel all of us are then more connected to the possibility of a larger life. Innocence create space and openness. When we are open there is magic and miracles. I like the idea in Marianne's books about how if we think of miracles as metaphors then they will be. If we honor and give power to the possibility that miracles do indeed happen and in fact magic DOES happen then those things amplify within our experience and life. It's kind of like you either believe you are a part of all that is, or you're not. If you are, you have access to everything, there is nothing separate from you. You are woven into the very fabric of divinity and in that spaciousness everything and anything is possible. Not in some cheesy kind of "secret" way, but in a very real, practical and sacred way.

Our lack of magic, or our lack of experiencing magic in our lives doesn't happen because it doesn't exist. It happens because we no longer care to see it. When it happens through grace we usually chalk it up to coincidence or randomness. Miracles and magic are happening all around us. When you return to your open self you see it. It happens from within you too. I (or anyone) can't open you to a magical or miraculous existence. That is you, you are that.

Practice takes us there. When in your practice you start checking out just remember your access to miracles and magic depends on you allowing it room to blossom. Nothing can take place without your permission. In any given moment you have the choice to open or close. It's such a huge responsibility, and one we don't often take. I know for me when I check out I often blame the environment, or the class, or the teacher, or the music, or anything other than my own unwillingness to shine bright in that moment. It's kind of like sometimes we know how to do it, and know what it will do, and yet we don't do it. Isn't that funny? We know something will be good for us, we know exactly how to do that good thing, and yet we don't give ourselves that. We have the key, we see the lock, we know it fits, and yet we don't turn that key sometimes. Wow.

The intention this week for me and I pass it on to you as well is to see how often we are there with key in hand refusing to open and rather than close, even if it is hard to do, can we open. Let us all have a magic filled miraculous weekend grounded in our willingness to open open open and be free.

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