Sunday, March 31, 2013

Transform A Life

“The choice between love and fear is made every moment in our hearts and minds. That is where the peace process begins. Without peace within, peace in the world is an empty wish.” – Paul Ferrini

I truly believe that as one person changes, the world changes. And that's why I believe so strongly in the work being done by Living Yoga, a Portland, OR, nonprofit that bring yoga to youth and adults in prison and alcohol and drug treatment centers.

I first found out about Living Yoga last year when a student of mine was participating in their Yogathon. I thought it was a great idea. I know firsthand how much this practice has changed my life, I could only imagine how powerful it could be to receive the gifts of yoga when faced with the challenge of addiction, or even incarceration. 

And then around the fall I came across this video of one of Living Yoga's students. I couldn't control the tears. There's something about yoga. It doesn't matter who you are or what you have done. Yoga will connect you to your heart. It will break you open. Wide open. Yoga brings us back to our goodness, and gives us a chance to live from a place of love and integrity. Just as the quote above says, the peace process begins on the inside. Yoga helps us to begin to negotiate that peace. And, it gives us the tools to take the peace outside and into the world. Inner peace, outer action.

I'm so lucky to work at Living Yoga now. I feel even luckier that part of my job is helping to raise money for such a worthy organization. One that invests its resources in the human spirit and that works to help reveal the essential goodness of all beings. 

In the short time I have been there I have been to several of the classes. All of them have a common theme--reminding people they always have a choice. That freedom comes from the inside. And, no matter what, you can find peace and space in every moment by returning to your breath. These are powerful ideas for all of us, but even more so I think for those who are battling addictions and who are in prison.

This year I am participating in the 4th Annual Yogathon. For six weeks I am challenging myself to meditate every day. I'll be focusing on a metta meditation, which is sending loving kindness out to all beings everywhere. And, I'll also be committing to deepen my yoga practice too. As I grow and change with this process I will also be raising money to make sure others can experience the power of this practice too. Please support me in reaching my goal of $1008 by donating to my yogathon challenge.

In gratitude,


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